Tapping within the app generally selects, highlights or drills down into the features and functions for that particular item tapped in focus. Tapping a factor, control or monetization enables it or re-opens it for editing from the previous state.
Swiping down reloads a list of items, map or app settings/features or data in focus.
Swiping right to left on a list item reveals additional features like DELETE, EDIT, BLOCK, BAN, UNBLOCK, UNBAN, etc.
Long-pressing a list item in focus copies that item into the clipboard, such as a share ID/link, user email address or content information like filename, size or other info. This makes it easy to re-share existing shares, copy an email to contact a user or make a new share link.
Long-pressing the icon in the main share create/select window allows you to paste content or links from your clipboard, or type directly into the share content box.
Long-pressing a factor, control or monetize icon CLEARS or RESETS that setting for the given share, but must be SAVED to take effect.
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