There are three control settings for a subscriber author to further control the content beyond the security factors. They are enabled in the share create/edit area (subscribers) to be added to the share if desired, and implemented in real time through enforcement or notification.
Allow/Deny: is the main control factor and sets a real-time notification requirement for any content access. When this is set, the author is notified when a recipient attempts to access, and must respond with yes or no, or block or ban the user at that moment. Recipients are then notified of their response, and are either denied or permitted access. Notification come via the push notification capability of the users’ phone, and for subscribers, queue up in control tab for later management and response. This control factor is set by default when control is tapped, but may be toggled on or off as desired.
No Screenshot/Download: is the setting which prevents recipient from screenshooting, mirroring, recording or downloading the content shared. Off by default, the recipient is allowed to save the file to their local storage. The subscriber author must enabled this limitation, to prevent the recipient from screenshots, screen mirroring/recording and downloads, if desired.
Watermark: this setting applies a watermark of the recipients email across the image to prevent phone to phone capture of images, video, etc. It clearly shows which user took such an image of the content. When no-screenshots/downloads are set, this watermark it turned on by default, however it may be toggled off is the author would rather not have the watermark across the otherwise protected content.
Single Access: is a similar restriction to download that limits single access to share (one-time consumption). Disabled by default, the author must enable to limit the recipient to one successful access to the shared content. After that access, they will be blocked for that share unless explicitly unblocked by the author.
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