Navigating the control area (MAP, LIST, NOTIFICATIONS) (subscribers)
The following article shows how to navigate the subscriber's control area - for accessing notifications, mapping shares, editing/deleting content and blocking or banning users.
The control area provides you realtime control and monitoring of shared content, accessing attempts, notifications and blocking or banning users in both list and map form.
The first pane shows all of your authored shares, as a list and on the map at the location of creation. Tapping the image of the share in the list row will zoom the map to its location. Tapping the rest of the share list entry (text, arrows) drills down to the next level of control. Swiping allows you to edit/delete the share in focus. Long pressing the row copies the share link into the clipboard.
The second pane shows the specific share tapped in the first pane, but now as a list of users who have attempted access (pass/fail) and map of where they accessed. Again, tapping the user image/icon, zooms the map to where that user accessed the share in question. Tapping the balance of the row drills down to show all shares accessed by that particular user. Swiping allows you to block/ban the user in focus for all of your shares. You may also unblock/unban as well. Long pressing the row copies the user email or ID in focus into the clipboard.
The third pane maps out all locations where the user has accessed any or all of your active shares, and lists them as well. Again, tapping the image zooms the map to the share access location. The list does not drill down further, but allows you to swipe to block the user, edit or delete the share in focus. As with the first pane, long pressing copies the share ID in focus into the clipboard.
Tapping a share list item brings up a HUD (heads up display) of detailed share info like the thumbnail, file name, date, expiration, factors and access/monetizations stats. Tapping a user list item does the same for the user info, such as shares accessed and monetization. User access is only available for private shares.
In addition, tapping the top bar of the CONTROL pane will show all the pending notifications (access, permission, etc) from users who attempted to access your shares. If you pending notifications, there will be a red dot on both the control menu icon and the title.
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