Sharing is the act of pasting the content share link in any messaging, social media or other medium to share with one or more users. Foursure® lets you share the content just created, or go back to the history by tapping the SHARES title on the create page and long pressing any existing share. You may also long-press any share ID in control tab as well, and copy it into the clipboard to share as needed.
Upon saving, editing or long-pressing and copying a share, the share link is instantly copied into your clipboard for easy paste/share in any messaging, social media or storage platform. Just paste the link/file and send as you would any other content.
Some social media platforms do not support links or files. In those cases, it is best to share FourSure® content in the captions, comments or tag areas of those services. For others, sharing directly from the OS share sheet provides direct ability to post over messaging, social media and even cloud storage.
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