Where can I use Foursure® to share my controlled content?
Almost anywhere. As long as you are a subscriber and have an iOS or Android device and can paste or share links or files, you can control and monetize content over it with Foursure®. Foursure® content can the shared over messaging, email, Facebook, Skype, WeChat, Linkedin, cloud storage, web links, forums, or anywhere else you can cut and paste content, upload and download, link and share. You can also share it via the comments or caption areas of other popular social media platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Slack, WhatsApp and more. Certain platforms like Instagram and TikTok however, do not support active links or files beyond their native media, so they would not be good candidates for FourSure® content at this time. However, some users have gotten creative with QR codes and written short codes that do link to FS content shares.
To enable shareable targets, simply edit your OS share preferences for FourSure® to show favorites or installed apps like social media, messaging and storage. Then, when you click "SHARE" these options will come up as options.
Again please note that YouTube, Instagram and TikTok only support raw images and videos without clickable links and may not be good platforms for sharing FourSure® or other secured content. However, FourSure® links can be pasted in the shared content messages, comments or captions, where supported.
To share secure content in private messages, simply open the app and paste the secured share from the clipboard (automatically copied every time you save or update a share, or by long-pressing a share ID from history or controls) into the body of the message.
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