Once a user gains access to content from a link or file, permission and authentication, the content will preview in the app (if supported) and offer a download/save or copy button if allowed. The author may set view only with no download, or single download options in their controls.
The preview will just be a thumbnail (clear) of the content if an image, PDF, movie, mp3, text file or other graphical or audible content. However, if permitted, the full content or file can be downloaded at the base of the preview to save onto the recipient device - such as local storage, cloud storage, Dropbox, iCloud, photos or other supported targets.
If the file is not able to be previewed in the app, such as a binary file, zip, encrypted, code, or proprietary format, the recipient will see a basic icon and file extension with the ability to save/download. There will be no visual preview of the actual file contents in this case.
If the content is textual or a link, users will be offered ability to copy the content into their clipboard, as opposed to save since there is no actual file.
If the content is valid, but just not supported on the particular mobile OS (as in different video or audio formats) the content preview will not play/render, but can be saved off to another app on the phone to handle/play.
If an author opens their own share this way (from link, file in the wild), then they will also be offered ability to EDIT the file, taking them to the share create/edit page with the share selected in focus.
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